Saturday, October 20, 2012

Rei at Age of Wulin

Hi! I'm Rei in the upcoming game of Age of Wulin. This is the Western version of 九阴真经.
The current status of the game is in Closed Beta Testing (CBT). They haven't release it to all yet.
I'm lucky to have won the facebook draw event and waiting for to send me the CBT key.
Whilst waiting to get into the Western version of Age of Wulin, I will show you some of the screenshot from the Chinese version.

This is my character in the Chinese version. I have given up playing on this because I can't read Chinese -.-; Some of my Chinese friends helped me in this game however it's still too difficult to manage having to remember which button to click. So I'm really looking forward to the English version to be released.

When you enter the game, you will first see a very beautiful login screen. The beauty of China scenery is always captivating.

I ponder around the game and joined a sect called the Royal Guards. You can read more of this sect from here. The starting uniform for this sect look like the picture above.

Here is the Royal Guards sect home. We can practice "kung fu" to level up... hehehe ^^

Here is another scene of the Royal Guards home. There are chores given to be completed for you to learn higher level of kung fu.

If you duel with someone and get hurt, you will need to meditate to heal.
I will show you more of the screenshots of this game in my next post.....

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